It's been awhile since our last post. We've started to wonder where to go with this blog... with the surgeries out of the way (at least for a few years), there is not as much to update as frequently. We'll keep up regular articles about our family as a whole, and photos of James as he grows. However, until we figure out a direction to take with this blog, our posts will be a bit more spaced apart and a bit light on content.
James is 16 lbs, 6 oz as of last week - which means he gained ZERO weight in the past month. Not so great. However, his GI doctor is content to keep him off the tube, since he is so close to eating enough, and push him to develop his eating skills and strength further. We'll help him out by giving him mostly formula, which has more nutrients and calories than most solids and burns fewer calories to consume. His solids will be focused on high fat, high protein, high calorie foods, with butter and oil added in for good measure. So far, we've identified avocado, yogurt, and mac and cheese as good diet options. I'm at a loss though as to what else to feed him... any ideas would be welcome!
He's almost crawling, and loves to scoot backwards. Sometimes this gets him into a bind. He's also warming up to books as something fun to look through instead of merely munch on. He loves trains, and the subway is only a half block away (and above ground) so entertainment is never far. Photos of our growing sweetheart below :)