Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Good Night!

OK, it's time for me to enjoy being a dad :)

Today, I got to check my wife out of the maternity ward, in good health and good spirits, and my only regret is I wasn't able to take her home myself. Grandma C took her home, and I'm under the impression she is now sleeping and enjoying the comforts of her own home after her amazing performance through an epic weekend. My utmost love and respect to the most amazing woman in the world is first and foremost on my mind, especially as I begin to think about little James.

Tonight, after a day of constant weaning off an enormous number of medications and boluses to balance his numbers and all that jazz that makes modern medicine possible, James has made some enormous amounts of progress, and the most visible way I was able to see it -- and feel it -- was in his little fingers and toes. Off the heavy paralytics and sedatives, James still will take a while to metabolize and process these drugs, working his way back to motion like babies should. As these drugs wear off, James makes little moves: knee twitches here, finger flexes there, hiccups and gurgles elsewhere, and most wonderfully of all, responses to the outside world. James, while he still probably doesn't know who I am, does quick work of wrapping his fingers around mine.

James is still a long way away from 5.10's, but in a few short hours he should have at least the baby-style wherewithal to be able to grab mommy's fingers, possibly start breathing all on his own and be extubated tomorrow, and may even start feeding from mommy's milk by the end of the week.

Meanwhile, it's time for sleep. Rest up, mom's and dads, our kids will require every ounce of energy we've got left :)

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