Monday, February 11, 2013

A snapshot of how we're doing

James at the hospital: 
I'm sure one day he'll thank us for not sharing photos of him sedated and drowsy on drugs. He did just undergo a pretty amazing surgery though, and it's incredible to see how quickly the body bounces back. See his scar from a week after surgery, still bandaged... and then a week after that, home with his stuffed monkey and healing beautifully. To the right, he chilled during recovery with some tv and a lovely drawing by the talented Miss Sarah decorating his crib.

Back at home, here's a view of what we've been up to this past week: James is sitting again, is not supposed to be on his stomach yet but reaches around and twists his torso with ease, laughs and giggles and grins, and has regained his pre-surgery weight. We're pretty sure he's even a bit past it as of this weekend... he's got a new high chair, and looks positively chubby as he slouches into it. He's going to be getting Early Intervention physical therapy in the upcoming weeks, but his strength is bouncing right back even without PT. We braved the snow on Friday to visit his pediatrician for more vaccines and a post-op check-in, and she was wowed by his rosy color. Our "blue" baby isn't so blue anymore, and his Friday checkup showed his oxygen levels to be a solid 90%! He's getting very good circulation; pre-surgery levels were around 78.


  1. oooh! he's so cute. and he looks amazing. xoxo (can't wait for Maya to get here so they can meet :))

  2. We are so glad that James is doing well. He looks fantastic. We are happy for you all. We love you.
