Wednesday, July 1, 2015

3 years old!

James turned 3 last week, and we had a small celebration with ice cream cake and gifts. The cake was for our enjoyment, of course, because he doesn't like cake or ice cream. He got some great gifts though, which he already is tearing into and mastering new skills:

- Spelling: he got a set of books with an electronic read-along pad that has prerecorded words and spelling activities. By the next day he had already figured out the spelling portion, and not just learned but memorized several words. He can spell sun, moon, art, baby, dog, cat, and cow without even a prompt now!

- Music: Between his new piano and his triangle (plus other instruments, but those are the favorites) his room has been emanating a constant cacophony of noise. He loves it. Fortunately Elise is a deep sleeper.

- Books: The flip flop flaps and alliterative silly sounds of his new pop-up book have him tackling some tough pronunciation like a champ!

- Stickers: These have already been plastered all over his face.

- Food: This is more of a birthday gift to us, but he's been enjoying cocoa puffs and spaghetti lately, even to the point that he will walk to his chair, sit down, and request them. Quantities are small, but requesting food is always a big moment for this kid.

- Baby toys: wait, oops, these aren't his. But the new apartment means they're out on display for Elise, so he is thrilled to rediscover old loves.

Baby nostalgia aside, reading and spelling are fun activities for him lately, and he chooses those all on his own so we are thrilled he is so enamored with learning to read. And thank you to everyone who helped him celebrate!

Some video of James lately:

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