Friday, July 31, 2015

First Steps

Almost two years ago, we watched with joy and amazement as James took his first steps - at the park and into Daddy's arms.

I had that same experience again yesterday. James has gotten so much stronger this week, and is such a trooper about pushing himself. He cries throughout each standing session, and his little legs shake and buckle beneath his weight. Yet as soon as he sits, I ask if he wants to try again, and he says YES. Yesterday he crossed a hurdle: he stood entirely on his own, only lightly holding my arm for balance, and straightened his legs. Legs that went unused for almost 2 weeks supported his entire weight for over 10 seconds.

Just imagine, if you can, lying sedated with your legs bent for so long, with barely any food, then trying to unfold them and stand up. It was an awesome moment to see him straighten up, feel him let go of my arm, and stand on his own.

He tried to take a step, and even though he needed help, he initiated the motion all on his own. He has a "this is hard, but let's go for it" attitude. He says he wants to walk "to the car". One mountain conquered, and the next already underway :)

His pleural effusions are still leaking pretty consistently, though yesterday showed some improvement. Doctors have emphasized that this is a long, slow process, but James' heart is healing wonderfully so they are no longer worried... He will eventually kick this too, and we will go home.

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