Sunday, July 26, 2015

Weekend Wrap Up

We had a long and determined conversation with our doctors on Friday about leaving James alone. Despite all their talk about how chylothorax takes time and he needs rest, the ICU is not restful and the constant regimen changes and status checks and blood work were wearing him out. People were in and out of his room nonstop, and he was terrified, and his blood pressure and heart rate and other stats were unable to stabilize.

We said: STOP, remember he is 3 years old, your bedside manner needs serious work, and quit scaring the daylights out of him!

So, he got a quiet, restful weekend. His team is being quiet around him and limiting interactions. He got some calming medication to help him adjust. He needs to have the energy and drive to fight this, and he's getting that back. He spoke a ton today! Thomas, bye bye, grandpa, funny, water, marker, yes, bumblebee, yellow, and more. He read The Very Quiet Cricket and said his favorite part, "not a sound". He had several visitors and took another wagon ride and sat up for a long time.

No walking yet, but his left leg has been very swollen so the IV came out today (there's a new one in his hand, but you win some, you lose some). Hopefully that will let his leg improve enough to try some standing tomorrow. Walking later this week?

This condition can take weeks to heal so we're hoping for sooner rather than later... and praying for no further complications.

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